Thursday, 20 June 2013

Flights booked

We had a flurry of activity the last couple of days

Date of travel to the Florida proton centre in Jacksonville have been confirmed.  2 weeks time !
Need to get travel insurance organised and packed up to go

Lots of prep at home so my sisters can be organised in looking after the kids whilst Julie and I are away

Flying to Jacksonville via Miami.  About 12hrs in total

British Airways -747 400
London to Miami
American Eagle - Embraer RJ145
Miami to Jacksonville

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Some Photos of the equipment at Florida Proton Beam

This is the gizmo that creates the proton.  Its called a Cyclotron


Through a process called electrolysis, protons are taken from water and injected into the cyclotron (cylindrical structure at center), which accelerates protons to nearly the speed of light. The protons are guided through the beam line

See next pic

Beam Line

The protons travel through the beam line, guided by electromagnets, into one of four treatment rooms

Treatment room

Thursday, 13 June 2013

First contact with UFPTI

I received a Fedex letter/package today from the University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute (UFPTI)
Basically a brochure/info pack introducing themselves and what they do

I had contact also with my UK oncologist who advised the CD of my scans was sent to UFPTI this week
So maybe next week I will receive more detail as to when I will be going

Julie has a fear of flying.  She went to see a hypnotist on tuesday and will be having a few more sessions before we go. Hopefully she will get on the plane !

Monday, 10 June 2013

Protons. The diffrence to traditional Radiotherapy

This pic clearly shows how less intrusive Proton beam therapy is compared to traditional Radiotherapy in the area I will be having treatment

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Green light for Proton Beam Therapy

I got word from my oncology Professor that the NHS National Specialised Commissioning Team have  agreed that I can have the Proton Beam Therapy treatment

They have advised the centre I will be going to is in Jacksonville in Florida, USA
University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute (UFPTI)

According to the info on the NHS Specialised service web site we will be there for approximately 10 weeks

So I am now waiting to find out when I am going.  I have already been asked to apply for the USA visa waiver approval
I am advised I will be getting calls and emails from the centre in the next week of so to make arrangements

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

A month since my last operation

I cant believe its over a month since I had my operation
Time has passed very quickly
I have no endonasal issues from the op and the leg has healed well

The neck is still painful
It seems the more well and mobile I am the more the neck hurts !
I guess with part of my scull base missing the neck muscles are having a lot more to do to support my head and the more active I become the more the muscles have to do
The medication helps the keep the worst of the pain at bay

No news from the oncology department

Getting out most afternoons for a walk.  Everyday a little further than the previous