Just about to leave for todays Proton treatment
My taste buds are still not right
Can't stand bread at the moment. The bread here is quite different to ours although the french bread is tolerable
Breakfast used to be a couple of slices of bread and marmalade - now its cornflakes
Lunch would normally be a sandwich of some kind - now I have a taste for scrambled eggs with ham and onion - lets see how long that lasts
I never feel like having anything particular for the evening meal so Julie surprises me !
I sometimes have cravings for a particular food then when I have it its not as enjoyable as the thought of having it !
Even the tap water tastes bad to me - I have bottled water
I can't find a soft drink that I enjoy the taste off
And everything I eat or drink leaves an aftertaste that takes ages to go
None of this is particularly a problem its just a little annoying
I can still eat and drink - Just don't really enjoy it as I used to