Saturday, 19 October 2013

What next

Just a quick note to say thanks to all those that have been viewing and commenting on the blog

The blog has had nearly 7000 hits since I started it.

Now that I have had all the treatment and the journey back to health is over the blog will not be updated very much as there is not to much to say

The next big step is an oncology consult and the first MRI scan since completion of treatment

The idea is that the MRI should show no regrowth of the tumour.  I will be having regular scans over the next few years

I will update the blog with the results as and when I get them

Thanks again for your support over this difficult time


Thursday, 10 October 2013

I can drive

Well I always could drive but was not allowed after the op
Had to report it all to DVLA
DVLA sent me a letter today to advise I was OK to start driving again

Good news

Monday, 7 October 2013

Back to work

For those that are still following the blog a quick update to say I am going back to work on Monday 7th

At first I am working from home and when I get confirmation from DVLA that I can drive normal service of work should be resumed

I will be having a staged return so I can get back into the swing of things without undue stress
There have been a few changes in process to get to grips with