Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Pain in the neck

The pain in the neck has not reduced as much as I would like with the pills I am taking
I find myself continually needing to hold the left side of my neck/head trying to support the head
In fact my left elbow is now in pain due to the action of supporting my head !
The pain is mostly when I am relatively motionless such as driving and watching TV
I drive an auto thank goodness. I have adapted to a bit of one handed driving due to needing to support the head with my left hand - (The steering wheel is on the right hand side here in the UK)

As soon as I lie down the pain quickly disappears
I also am getting a bit of an issue with my tongue where there appears to be pressure being put on the twelfth nerve.  As a result my tongue goes a bit off centre. Tilting my head forward or lying down gets everything back to normal

I paid a visit to the doctors. I have changed pills to Gabapentin as this has helped before

Monday, 5 June 2017

Quick update

I have missed a few things over the past few months I will back fill a few dates