Friday, 9 March 2018

A little bit of growth

I was concerned that the tumour may have had a growth spurt as they had seen no signs of any tumour after my scan 6 months ago 1 Sep 2017
Yet 3 months later 1st Nov 2017 all of a sudden I have 3 small areas of regrowth
Then shock news via a phone call from my new oncologist about a 11mm x 7mm area of concern
So from nothing to 11mm x 7mm is big growth
There is some evidence that Chordoma can get "angry" if interacted with to much which is a big concern

The good news is there is only a little growth in the smaller tumour the big bit seems stable

They are now waiting on the second opinion before deciding on a course of action
They anticipate doing something "soon"

There is still an OK margin from the tumour to my spinal cord

Monday, 26 February 2018

MRI number ?

I must have had over 20 now since this all began

They had a bit of trouble as always finding a vein

I see the doc 9th March for the results

I also have a confirmed appointment to see the London doc on the 19th March

Friday, 26 January 2018

First meeting with the new Oncologist

My CT results are OK

No sign of any Chordoma in any other areas which is excellent news

As for further treatment - That is all up in the air now - I am generally healthy physical although my mental state is somewhat on edge to say the least as well as the usual neck issues

I have been advised that as I am well they are not going to do anything in the next 3 months
This will be reviewed after the next MRI
Any treatment either surgery or Radiation could make me worse than I am at the moment

I have also requested a second opinion and will be referred to a London hospital

Saturday, 20 January 2018

CT Scan

I have had a Head, Neck and chest CT scan done
Results next week

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Full work load ! Wake up ! Where has the day gone !

I did not request a lower than normal workload. I thought I would be able to jump straight back in
How wrong I was !
I have now asked for and thankfully got a reduced workload

Its difficult to understand how all this waiting for the next treatment step is effecting me
I do not sleep well and have not for a long time - I normally wake up around 4:00am to 4:30am - I am up for anywhere from 1 to 2 hrs and then manage to go back to bed for an hr of so

Work then starts anywhere from 7am when I log in to approx 8:00 ish when I sit down to work
The next 9 hrs are a bit of a blur
I try and take a lot of tiny breaks so as to not aggravate my neck to much being sat in one position. Just to stand and move around. I am working at home most of the time at the moment

I could do with a bit of outside work which would help movement etc but due to reorganisation at work I do not live in the right place and have been moved to a different area/team and the area my team covers is not local to me. So I generally get to work at home rather than a mixture of outside work and desktop work
I am hopeful this will change as its not healthy for me stuck in a office all day
They said the postcodes will be changing a bit for 2018 but as yet nothing different for me

When at the home office I try and take a proper morning and afternoon "coffee" break as well as a small lunch break
The time seems to go and I cant seem to be able to plough through the work that I normally can

I am hopeful when the Dr comes up with a proper plan it will get my mind back to a normal place and I will be able to get back to normal work patterns

Monday, 8 January 2018

CT Scans

My new oncology doctor has requested fresh CT scans of the head, neck, chest and abdomen
Presumably to ensure there are no other signs of chordoma any where else in my body
If everything is clear they can then make a decision as to what route next to take

Life on hold yet again

Friday, 5 January 2018

A few days off

I was due to go back to work on the 2nd after the Christmas holiday but did not feel up to it
It has been quite a mentally traumatic time since hearing the news that the proton funding has been refused
Back to work on the 8th