Saturday 27 July 2013

Week 1...... Done

The first week of treatment over. Only 7 and a half to go !
Been feeling reasonably OK
After a few days started getting a "nervous" feeling in my stomach which is unlike me
Have now realised its more of a slightly feeling sick in the stomach but not a full on feeling sick. Difficult to describe really
Anyway a sickness feeling is one of the possible side effects so will let the Dr know on monday - I'm sure there will be a pill for it

Also on thursday night my throat seem to "close up" at times when chatting for  long time.  The Dr had a look and saw no issues - have put it down to the dryness of air con so have taken to have lots of sips of water when indoors

1 comment:

  1. Sky news today talking about proton beam therapy will be available in the UK fom 2018!!!

    They say about 100 people, mainly children , are sent overseas to places like Florida!




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